Account Security

How we keep your health and benefit account safe

Bank of America takes information security seriously and the privacy and security of your personal information are our top priority. You can feel confident that your identity and account information is safe when you have a Health and Benefit Account with us. Here’s what we do.

Secure infrastructure

  • Data centers with strict physical security procedures
  • Round-the-clock personnel on staff
  • World-class firewalls
  • Multiple power grids
  • Disaster recovery site with advanced technologies

Fraud monitoring

We’ll send you alerts if we identify unusual or suspicious activity on your account.
A temporary block may be placed on your account when fraud is suspected to prevent ongoing fraudulent activity.


A risk-based, multi-factor authentication process is used to validate your identity whenever you access your Health and Benefit Account.

Dedicated support

Teams of specialists are dedicated to support you and ensure that our data is secure. This includes our Health Benefit Solutions (HBS) Fraud Team and Customer Care Center.

$0 Liability Guarantee1

You may incur no liability for unauthorized use of your card or card number up to the amount of the unauthorized transaction.
To be covered, report purchases made by others promptly, and don’t share personal or account information with anyone.

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Your role in keeping your health and benefit account safe

Bank of America works hard to protect you against fraud. However, it’s important that you work alongside us and take reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access and identity theft.

Guard your personal information

Use caution when sharing your personal information, including your Social Security number, PINs, passwords and account numbers.

Keep your contact information up-to-date

Log in to your account to check that your personal information is correct. Verify your email address so you can receive important notifications about your account. Also confirm your mailing address and phone number in case we need to reach you.

Use secure passwords

A strong password is eight or more characters that contains letters, numbers and symbols. Use different passwords for each financial account and never use the same password for social or shopping websites. For help creating a strong password, visit How to Create a Strong Password.

Contact Customer Care

If you see a debit card charge or receive a notification for a change you did not request, please contact our Customer Care Center immediately.

We also recommend that you:

  • Regularly check your credit report and credit & banking accounts.
    Review your credit report at least annually and log in at least once monthly to monitor activity.
  • Watch for important account notifications.
  • Forward all suspicious emails to
  • Install fraud protection software on your computer.
    Bank of America customers have free access to Trusteer Rapport®.

Dispute a transaction

If you suspect fraud or an error on your health and benefit account debit card, please contact Customer Care at the number on the back of your card to report the charges as soon as possible. Customer Care will cancel your debit card, issue a new one and send you a Transaction Dispute FormFootnote* to complete.

*This form must be completed and submitted as soon as a disputed or fraudulent transaction is identified and must be received within 120 calendar days from the original transaction date.
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1The $0 Liability Guarantee covers fraudulent transactions made by others using your Bank of America consumer debit card. To be covered, report transactions made by others promptly, and don't share personal or account information with anyone. Access to funds next business day in most cases, pending resolution of claim. Consult customer and account agreements for full details. Please note: You’re responsible for reviewing your statements and reporting unauthorized transactions.