Managing your investment account

Whether you prefer managing your investments on the member website or the mobile app, we provide you with the tools and resources to simplify account management.

Investment Summary tab overview

The "Investment Summary" tab on the Accounts menu of the member website provides you with a convenient way to access the most common account functions, including:

Screenshot of the Investments tab on the member website highlighting common account functions: View account balance and performance, update investment threshold for automatic investments, change investments, view investment menu, make one-time manual investment transfers, view your portfolio, rebalance your account, view recent account activity, learn more about the investment feature.
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Account balance and performance

You can see a snapshot of your account balance and year-to-date performance on the "Investment Summary" tab.

You can find more detailed performance information by selecting the "View details" link.

"Portfolio Performance" will be reflected in a chart that represents how your investments are performing quarterly, year-to-date, for the prior year and overall. You can also view a graph thats shows your personal rate of return, period return, or contributions vs. market value, each giving you the option to filter by date, funds or asset class.

To view investment performance on the MyHealth app:

  1. Select "View HSA Investments" from the homepage
  2. Then select "Details" from the Investments section
Screenshot illustrating how account balance and year-to-date performance appear on the
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Screenshot showing Portfolio Performance chart that illustrates how investment performance is displayed quarterly, year-to-date, for the prior year and overall.
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Screenshot of at-a-glance graph illustrating how data on personal rate of return is displayed on the MyHealth app.
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View fund menu

You can view all of the mutual fund menu, performance, fund sheets and prospectuses by clicking "View all available funds" link in the Investment Balance section.

Modifying your automatic investment option

Modifying your automatic investment option
To turn OFF automatic investments
  1. From the "Investment Summary" tab, select "Edit" in the "Cash Balance" section
  2. Select "Yes" for the section "Would you like autoinvestment transfers on?"
  3. Then enter an amount in the box for "Transfer funds to Investments When My Cash Balance Exceeds"
  4. Click "Submit"

Changing your investment threshold for automatic investments

To change your investment threshold on the member website:

  1. From the "Investment Summary" tab, select "Edit" in the "Cash Balance" section
  2. Then update the amount in the box for "Transfer funds to Investments When My Cash Balance Exceeds"
  3. Click "Submit"

You can also change your investment threshold on the MyHealth app:

  1. Select "View HSA Investments" from the homepage
  2. In the cash section select "Update"
  3. Click the "Auto Transfer Settings" button
  4. Enter an amount in the "Cash Balance Threshold" box and "Save Changes"

You can also enable/disable auto investments on the My Health app:

  1. Select "View HSA Investments" from the homepage
  2. In the Cash section select "Update"
  3. Click the "Auto Transfer Setting" button
  4. Move the "Enable Auto Invest" toggle button to the right to enable or to the left to disable
  5. Then "Save Changes"
Screenshot showing where you can enable/disable auto investments on the MyHealth app.
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Changing investments on the member website

To change your current portfolio, update elections for future investments and/or realign your account:

  1. Select the "Change Investments" button from the Investment Balance section of the "Investment Summary" tab
  2. Choose your desired investment change option (learn more about each option below)
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and "Submit"

All investments

Includes money currently invested, as well as future deposits and contributions. Changes you make on this page will realign both your current portfolio and your current elections. When new money moves into your investment account, your selection will control how it is invested.

Current portfolio

Changes you make will only affect your current investment account balances.

When changing your current portfolio, you will need to select your transfer type from the drop-down menu:

  • Realign: When you realign investment balances, your current account balances are redistributed. Changes you make will only affect your current investment account balance.
  • Dollar to dollar: Enter the dollar amount you would like to transfer from one fund into another fund(s).
  • Dollar to percent: Enter the dollar amount you would like to transfer from one fund in the Transfer From column and enter the percentage of that amount you would like transferred to each fund in the Transfer To column.
  • Percent to percent: Enter the percentage of the fund balance that you would like to transfer out of that fund and into another fund(s).

Note: You can transfer to more than one fund at a time.
Note: If you want to transfer more than 90% of the balance out of a fund, it is recommended you use the percent to percent transfer option.
Note: You have until 3:59pm eastern time to cancel fund transfers within your investment account on the member website.

Future investments

When new money moves into your investment account, your new selections will control how it is invested.

Changing investments on the MyHealth app

  1. Select "View HSA Investments" from the homepage
  2. Click on "Manage Investments" (learn more about the options below)
  3. Choose your desired investment change option and follow the onscreen instructions

When managing investments on the MyHealth app, you will be able to select from these options:

  • Realign portfolio: Move your investments into different funds. This will only impact the current fund balances, not new monies deposited into your investment account.
  • Realign portfolio and update elections: Updates the current fund balances as well as new monies added to your investment account.
  • Fund-to-fund transfer: Select specific funds to sell, then specific funds to buy. This impacts only your current fund balances, not new monies deposited into your investment account.

Make one-time manual investment transfers

You can make a one-time trade to buy or sell investments from the "Investment Summary" tab. One-time trades allow for a one-time transfer from your cash account to "Buy Investments" or from your investment account to your cash account to "Sell Investments."

To make a one-time trade:

  1. Select "Buy Investments" or "Sell Investments"
  2. If your investment threshold is enabled, you will be taken to the "Update Automatic Investments" page and you will select one of the following options:
    • Disable Automatic Investments: This can be reactivated any time.
    • Suspend Automatic Investments: Temporarily turn automatic investments off until a specified date and/or change your investment threshold.
    • Change Investment Threshold Only: Increase or decrease your investment threshold to maintain a new threshold amount in your cash account.

    Note: If automatic investments are enabled, they will need to be turned off if you wish to perform a manual transfer.

  3. Proceed to "Make an HSA Transaction" and choose the option that works best for you:
    • Transfer based on portfolio percentage: This option will allow you to input a dollar amount you would like to buy/sell. The amount you specify will be bought/sold based on the percentage of your portfolio invested in each of your funds.
    • Transfer into/from specific fund(s): This option will allow you to input the dollar amount you would like to buy or sell from each specific fund.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction

You can also make one-time trades using the MyHealth app:

  1. Select "View HSA Investments" from the homepage
  2. Click "Manage Investments"
  3. Select "Buy" or "Sell" and follow the on-screen instructions

Note: You may be required to disable the automatic investment feature, increase your cash threshold or temporarily suspend automatic investments in order to make a one-time transfer. Note: You have until 11:59 pm eastern time to cancel a one-time trade to buy or sell investments on the member website.
Note: You have until 11:59 pm eastern time to cancel a one-time trade to buy or sell investments on the member website.

Rebalance your portfolio

The Automatic Rebalance option found in the Portfolio Breakdown section, allows you to automatically keep your investment account balance in line with your investment elections, at the frequency you select.

For example: If your investment elections are 80% Mutual Fund A and 20% Mutual Fund B, and your current investment account balance is 25% Mutual Fund B, 50% Mutual Fund C and 25% Mutual Fund D, after electing into a Participant-Defined Portfolio, your investment account balance will be updated to match your investment elections to 80% Mutual Fund A and 20% Mutual Fund B.

To turn on auto rebalance, select "Turn on" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Other helpful information you can link to from the "Accounts" tab:

"Fund Activity" shows the breakdowns of your selected allocated funds by class.

The "Investment Activity" page displays any requested, pending and processed transactions, which can be filtered by transaction type.