What are the current Health Savings Account (HSA) contribution limits?

HSA Contribution Limits

The IRS sets annual contribution limits for HSAs based on individual or family coverage under a high deductible health plan. You are responsible for ensuring your contributions do not exceed the annual limit.

HSA Contribution Limits
  2024 2025
Single coverage $4,150 $4,300
Family coverage $8,300 $8,550
Catch-up contribution for those who are age 55 or older $1,000 $1,000

What if you over contribute?

You are responsible for making sure that your annual HSA contributions do not exceed the IRS limit. If you realize you have gone over the annual limit, go to the member website and follow these steps to have the overage returned to you:

1. Go to “Tools & Support” > “Account Support & Forms.”
2. Download and open the HSA Distribution Request Form.
3. Check the box for “Excess Contribution Removal” in Step 2a, and include the date of the excess contribution.
4. Sign and mail or fax the form.
5. If you make HSA contributions through payroll, you may want to stop these contributions for the remainder of the year.