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Welcome to the HSA Experience

Take full advantage of your Health Savings Account (HSA) to stay ahead of health care expenses this year and plan for retirement.

Check out the HSA educational webinar series

Find out how to get the maximum benefit from your account, from saving on taxes to planning for health care in retirement.

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Already have an HSA

Explore this interactive experience to learn how to do more with your HSA to build your balance for the future.

Coworkers in office

Three ways to make the most of your HSA benefit

Click or tap each icon below to explore how you can do more with your HSA.

Money iconWorks with HDHP to save money on premiums
Tax iconTriple tax advantages1
Calendar iconNo use it or lose it rule2
Woman walking

Spend less to save more

Funds in your HSA at the end of the year roll over year after year allowing you to build your balance for when you need it, like in retirement. One way to help preserve your balance and take advantage of tax-free growth potential is to make a conscious decision to spend less from your HSA each year. If you can afford to, set an amount, such as $50 or $100, that you are willing to spend on health care out of your monthly budget before dipping into your HSA.

Learn more

Should I spend or save my HSA?

Calculate the impact of saving more or spending less from your HSA

How others use their HSAs

Choose the story you want to learn more about.


Watch to see how Ashley, who is just starting her career, plans to use her HSA.

Watch Ashley's video now

Related links

HSA calculator

HSA contribution limits


Watch to see how Rob manages health care costs for his family.

Watch Rob's video now

Related links

Should I spend or save my HSA?

Video: HSA investing

HSA contribution limits

HSA calculator


Watch to see how Leigh is planning for health care as she nears retirement.

Watch Leigh's video now

Related links

Video: Better together

HSA contribution limits

HSA calculator

1 Potential Tax Advantages: You can receive tax-free distributions from your HSA to pay or be reimbursed for qualified medical expenses you incur after you establish the HSA. If you receive distributions for other reasons, the amount you withdraw will be subject to income tax and may be subject to an additional 20% tax, unless an exception applies. Any interest or earnings on the assets in the account are federal income tax-free. You may be able to claim a tax deduction for contributions you, or someone other than your employer, make to your HSA directly (not through payroll deductions). In addition, HSA contributions may reduce your state income taxes in certain states. Certain limits may apply to employees who are considered highly compensated key employees. Bank of America recommends you contact qualified tax or legal counsel before establishing an HSA.

2 "Never Lose it" refers to account portability and annual rollover of accumulated assets; it does not imply you cannot lose money. The investment portion of the HSA account is not FDIC insured, not bank guaranteed and may lose value.

3 Investing involves risk. There is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Please consult with your independent attorney, tax advisor and financial advisor for final recommendations before changing or implementing any financial strategy.

4 Medpac, July 2020 Data Book: Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program. Total spending on health care services for noninstitutionalized fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries.

5 Sources: Employee Benefits Research Institute, Issue Brief, no. 549, January 20, 2022. A 65-year-old couple, both with median drug expenses needs $296,000 to have a 90% chance of having enough money to cover health care expenses (excluding long-term care) in retirement. Savings needed for Medigap Premiums, Medicare Part B Premiums, Medicare Part D Premiums and Out-of-Pocket Drug Expenses for Retirement at age 65 in 2021.